The R' Mattisyahu Salomon Collection (USB & Booklet)

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Chumash Series
English, 100+
Shiurim Each
Moadim Series
English & Yiddish
English Series
Bitachon & More
Chinuch - Best Seller!
English & Yiddish
• Each usb comes with an audio booklet for reference to navigate the 12
usbs with over 900+ Vaadim. In the event that it is lost there are backup
up hang tags that come with each usb, They are found in the "Folded
Cards" folder on this usb.
• For optimum usage in your car, search starting from "GENRE". (It's in
the same menu as artists, albums and songs), then choose the usb you
want Some newer cars have an option called "files" which you can also
use as well.
• PLEASE do not pass on these files to anyone besides those that live in
your household. The Mechon is very makpid as it has spent thousands
of dollars to get the zechusim for the shurim. In addition, there have
been hundreds of hours spent organizing, labeling and fixing the audio
to produce these usbs.
• It must be said that the Mechon is constantly working on new products.
By purchasing this usb, it unfortunately does not come with the zechus
for any future usbs or discounts.
• Although this is a quality usb, we strongly recommend you back it up
in case it gets lost or breaks.
• All the chizuk and harbatzas hatorah from these usb should be a zechus
for the Mashgiach zt"l. Thank you for helping the mechon further its
effort spreading the Mashgiach's torah. Bezras Hashem you should
only have Bracha and Hatzlacha.
• If you have any questions, feel free to call 848-329-3135.
SKU: MMC-017
Format: USB
Artist: R' Mattisyahu Salomon

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