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New Kids Books

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Follow Your Heart: Anger - Book 6Follow Your Heart: Anger - Book 6
Follow Your Heart: Disappointment - Book 5Follow Your Heart: Disappointment - Book 5
I Can Go To SleepI Can Go To Sleep
I Can Go To Sleep
$14.99 $15.99
Avi and Chavi: The New Baby with a Smile - Book 5Avi and Chavi: The New Baby with a Smile - Book 5
The New Sefer Torah ParadeThe New Sefer Torah Parade
Crossing the Border - Comics
What Happens After Your Bar Mitzvah?What Happens After Your Bar Mitzvah?
Match 'Em Up!: Mitzvah Shapes! - Book 4Match 'Em Up!: Mitzvah Shapes! - Book 4
Match 'Em Up!: Mitzvah Colors! - Book 3Match 'Em Up!: Mitzvah Colors! - Book 3
What Am I? Pesach (A Lift-the-Flap Book)What Am I? Pesach (A Lift-the-Flap Book)
My First Look And Find - PesachMy First Look And Find - Pesach
Take Another Look #2 - Comics
The Legendary King - Comics
Turmoil At Sea - Comics
The Beilis Conspiracy - Comics
Broken Bonds - Comics
Escape From Cordoba - Comics
Stray Notes - Comics
200 Days of Dread - Comics
One Against All - Comics
Seihara: Full Moon #2 - Comics
Above & Beyond #1 - Comics
Hunted In Congo - Comics
The Grey Umbrella - Comics
Rav Shmuel Satan - Comics
Benny and Menny #2 - Comics
Sarah SchenirerSarah Schenirer
Elitzur's Diary In EgyptElitzur's Diary In Egypt
Haggadah For Young ChildrenHaggadah For Young Children
Gedolei Hadoros: The Baal Shem Tov - Volume 1Gedolei Hadoros: The Baal Shem Tov - Volume 1
Tunisian Tango! - ComicsTunisian Tango! - Comics
Sunrise Sunset - ComicsSunrise Sunset - Comics
Vanished! - ComicsVanished! - Comics
Vanished! - Comics
$23.99 $25.99
The Power Struggle - ComicsThe Power Struggle - Comics
Checkmate In Turkish - ComicsCheckmate In Turkish - Comics
Communist Shadows - ComicsCommunist Shadows - Comics
Complaint Valley - ComicsComplaint Valley - Comics
The Pitzelbergers - ComicsThe Pitzelbergers - Comics
Adventures of Arik: The Nachash - Episode 1Adventures of Arik: The Nachash - Episode 1
Everything EmunahEverything Emunah
Everything Emunah
$24.99 $26.99
Mirror Effect - A Teen NovelMirror Effect - A Teen Novel
Hold On Tight - An Illustrated Teen NovelHold On Tight - An Illustrated Teen Novel
Victory In Granada - ComicsVictory In Granada - Comics
Double Trouble - ComicsDouble Trouble - Comics
Aderaba - ComicsAderaba - Comics

New English Books & Seforim

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Land of the Unfree - A NovelLand of the Unfree - A Novel
Wavelengths - A NovelWavelengths - A Novel
Wavelengths - A Novel
$20.99 $24.99
Star-K Pesach Guide 2025
The Laws of Pesach 2025
Mishnah Berurah Ohr Olam: English - Hebrew - Hardcover
The Midrash Rabbah (Kleinman Edition)The Midrash Rabbah (Kleinman Edition)
Secrets of the Soul - Volume 2Secrets of the Soul - Volume 2
The Rav Samson Raphael Hirsch DictionaryThe Rav Samson Raphael Hirsch Dictionary
A Smile for EternityA Smile for Eternity
A Smile for Eternity
$26.99 $27.95
Awaken Your Emunah - Volume 2Awaken Your Emunah - Volume 2
A Most Meaningful SederA Most Meaningful Seder
Open Gates to Pesach and the HaggadahOpen Gates to Pesach and the Haggadah
The Healing HaggadahThe Healing Haggadah
The Healing Haggadah
$18.99 $19.99
The Baderech HaggadahThe Baderech Haggadah
The Baderech Haggadah
$25.99 $27.99
The Rhyme & Reason HaggadahThe Rhyme & Reason Haggadah
The Midnight Passover HaggadahThe Midnight Passover Haggadah
Halachic Q&A on the JobHalachic Q&A on the Job
A Daily Dose - TorahAnytimeA Daily Dose - TorahAnytime
Haggadah Yemima Mizrachi H/CHaggadah Yemima Mizrachi H/C
Rav Uri Deutsch on The ParshahRav Uri Deutsch on The Parshah
First Aid For A Successful Marriage
The Haggadah with StoriesThe Haggadah with Stories
Rav Druck on ChumashRav Druck on Chumash
Rav Druck on Chumash
From $25.99 $29.99
The Abuchatzeira Legacy HaggadahThe Abuchatzeira Legacy Haggadah
Purim UnmaskedPurim Unmasked
Purim Unmasked
$13.99 $14.99
Breaking Open - A NovelBreaking Open - A Novel
House of Cards - A NovelHouse of Cards - A Novel
Wind Chimes - Part 1Wind Chimes - Part 1
Sisters of the Snow - A NovelSisters of the Snow - A Novel
Lethal Blow - A NovelLethal Blow - A Novel
Real EmunahReal Emunah
Rabbi Aryeh Leibish Gottesman zt"lRabbi Aryeh Leibish Gottesman zt"l
999 Jewish Jokes999 Jewish Jokes
I Never Met The Rebbe Many TimesI Never Met The Rebbe Many Times
Frum FitnessFrum Fitness
Frum Fitness
$18.99 $19.99
Eye OpeningEye Opening
Eye Opening
On Paper - A Short Story CollectionOn Paper - A Short Story Collection
Human Shield - Part 1Human Shield - Part 1
V'Higadeta - Megillas EstherV'Higadeta - Megillas Esther
The Esther CodeThe Esther Code
Who Was Rav Kook?Who Was Rav Kook?
The Laws of a MezuzahThe Laws of a Mezuzah
Simply Pesach and BeyondSimply Pesach and Beyond
The Elucidated Rashi On ChumashThe Elucidated Rashi On Chumash
Ohr Avigdor Perek on Perek CheilekOhr Avigdor Perek on Perek Cheilek
Pathway To Prayer Siddur: Shabbos - AshkenazPathway To Prayer Siddur: Shabbos - Ashkenaz
Tanzania, Timber, and TorahTanzania, Timber, and Torah
One For The BooksOne For The Books
One For The Books
$26.99 $30.99
Power Tools - A NovelPower Tools - A Novel
Power Tools - A Novel
$22.99 $26.99

New Music & DVDs

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5 Incredible True Stories (USB)5 Incredible True Stories (USB)
Torah 2 Go: Toras Avigdor (USB)
Baruch Levine - #TheDanceAlbum (USB)
Torah 2 Go: Pesach Collection 5785 (USB)
Yissachar Dror - Kodesh La'Hashem (USB)Yissachar Dror - Kodesh La'Hashem (USB)
The Rabbi and the Duke (USB)
Torah 2 Go: Sefer Yehoshua Part 2 (USB)Torah 2 Go: Sefer Yehoshua Part 2 (USB)
The Simchas Hachaim Collection (USB)The Simchas Hachaim Collection (USB)
A Frishe Tantz 9 (USB)A Frishe Tantz 9 (USB)
Mishta HaYayin HaGadol [1 & 2] (USB)Mishta HaYayin HaGadol [1 & 2] (USB)
Mishta HaYayin 2 (USB)Mishta HaYayin 2 (USB)
Torah 2 Go: Songs with Geshmak! (USB)Torah 2 Go: Songs with Geshmak! (USB)
Torah 2 Go: Toras Avigdor Junior (USB)
Olam (USB)Olam (USB)
Olam (USB)
Torah 2 Go: Let's Talk Kashrus 4 (USB)Torah 2 Go: Let's Talk Kashrus 4 (USB)
Torah 2 Go: Sefer Yehoshua Part 1 (USB)Torah 2 Go: Sefer Yehoshua Part 1 (USB)
Learn To Lein Megilas Esther
Lipa Schmeltzer - Eluzor Lipa'le (USB)
Megillas Lester
Megillas Lester
From $22.99
Torah 2 Go: Purim Collection 5785 (USB)
Relief from Grief Podcast (USB)
Baruch Levine: Off The Record 3 - The Pirchei Years
The Stage of Life [Yiddish]The Stage of Life [Yiddish]
Yingerlach 4
Yingerlach 4
From $23.99
It's Amazing! - Volume 6 (USB)It's Amazing! - Volume 6 (USB)
Dramady [Yiddish]Dramady [Yiddish]
Dramady [Yiddish]
From $39.99
The Youngest Partisan [Video] (USB)
Rebound [Video]Rebound [Video]
Rebound [Video]
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Shmueli Ungar - L'chaim Shmueli (USB)
Echoes of Faith [Video]
A Taste of London Collection (USB)A Taste of London Collection (USB)
Yussi Sonnenblick - Then & Now (USB)
Lechaim Kinder Farbrengen 11 (USB)
Mali 4 - And Off She Goes... [For Women & Girls Only]Mali 4 - And Off She Goes... [For Women & Girls Only]
From $15.99
Jewish Revenge 6 - Gaza In Focus
Torah Tots - The Nes of You and Me (USB)Torah Tots - The Nes of You and Me (USB)

New Gifts & Toys

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Sunset: Shabbos Lamp
Bubba Massiot - באבא מעשיות
Leil HaSeder Set - ליל הסדר סעט
Haus Decor Collection: Lucite Wash Cup and BowlHaus Decor Collection: Lucite Wash Cup and Bowl
Waterdale Collection: Faux Leather Pesach Set - PrestigeWaterdale Collection: Faux Leather Pesach Set - Prestige
Waterdale Collection: Lucite Seder Plate - RegalWaterdale Collection: Lucite Seder Plate - Regal
Waterdale Collection: Lucite Seder Plate 3 TierWaterdale Collection: Lucite Seder Plate 3 Tier
Waterdale Collection: Lucite Matzah Box - RegalWaterdale Collection: Lucite Matzah Box - Regal

New Seforim

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Agan HaSahar - אגן הסהרAgan HaSahar - אגן הסהר
Hebrew Edition of Targum OnkelosHebrew Edition of Targum Onkelos
Chochmas HaLev - חכמת הלבChochmas HaLev - חכמת הלב
Ohr Hashem (Paperback) - אור השםOhr Hashem (Paperback) - אור השם
Niv Armoni - ניב ארמוניNiv Armoni - ניב ארמוני

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